Students explore how spending, saving and values impact your finances
o Discuss the value of planning how money is used
o Give examples of sensible and unwise spending decisions and behaviors
o Compare spending priorities
Students set financial goals that are specific and measurable
o Discuss how personal goals can be achieved through money goals
o Explain how to write an effective financial goal.
o Discuss how to prioritize actions while working to achieve several goals at the
same time
Students apply strategies to help you be mindful about your spending decisions.
o Discuss what influences your spending decisions.
o Identify tools and strategies you can use to better manage your spending habits.
o Demonstrate how the criterion-based
decision-making process works
Students will learn how to create a spending plan.
o Discuss how a spending plan can help you manage your spending habits.
o Describe what a spending plan is.
o Explain how to use a spending plan.
Students will set up strategies to maintain a positive cash flow
o Identify how to plug spending leaks.
o List strategies to stick to a spending plan.
o Discuss ways to be prepared for unexpected money events
Students will weigh the benefits and risks of borrowing.
o Discuss why people borrow.
o Give examples of acceptable and unacceptable situations to use credit.
o Explain how borrowing impacts spending power
Students will calculate the costs of borrowing options
o Give examples of how credit is used.
o Identify typical costs and terms of credit.
o Calculate the cost of using credit
Students will learn about ways to establish a good credit rating
o Outline the credit application process.
o Describe what lenders consider when deciding whether to approve or deny a
credit request.
o Explain how creditors investigate someone’s borrowing habits.
Students will learn about the rights and responsibilities of borrowers and lenders
o Explain your legal rights and responsibilities when agreeing to a contract.
o Recite guidelines for borrowing limits.
o State where to get help with credit issues
Students will take steps to protect themselves from identity fraud
o Give examples of identity fraud.
o Describe how to address problems of fraud.
o Give examples of ways to protect against fraud.
Students will explore the payoffs of investing in yourself through education and by
continually developing skills
o Discuss the value of investing in yourself, now and throughout your work life.
o Identify how education can impact your future earnings.
o List strategies to minimize the costs of advanced education
Students will measure the value of employee benefits.
o Identify common types of employee benefits.
o Give examples of hidden costs of employment.
o List criteria to consider when making decisions about where to work.
Students will examine factors that impact personal tax liability and take-home pay.
o Calculate net pay.
o List factors that impact personal income tax liability.
o List factors that impact your net pay.
Students will examine factors that impact your decisions about career choices and
where you might live
o Identify trends that can potentially impact your options in the workplace.
o Explore how a person’s values and preferences impact career and job choices.
o Discuss how the cost of living can impact your cash flow and lifestyle.
Students will outline a plan to deal with changes in income.
o Give examples of work-related changes that can impact financial status.
o Discuss ways to deal with irregular or a temporary drop in income.
o Identify skills, knowledge, and attitudes that employers value in the workplace.
o Consider entrepreneurial possibilities.
Students will use a checking account to handle business transactions
o Discuss reasons to use check payments.
o Demonstrate how to use a checking account.
o Explain how to reconcile a checking account.
Students will examine a variety of banking and shopping tools that are used to carry out
personal business transactions
o Give examples of tools and strategies people use to transfer money for personal
banking and shopping transactions.
o Discuss recent technology trends that impact how consumers conduct business.
o Match types of banking and spending tools and technology with consumer life
Students will explore strategies to protect your personal account information
o Give examples of how people are victims of fraud schemes.
o Discuss ways to protect personal and financial information.
o Describe what to do after becoming a victim of fraud.
Students will learn about services provided by various financial service providers.
o Give examples of services provided by different types of financial institutions.
o Review guidelines for using banking services.
o Discuss criteria to consider when choosing where to use banking services