Using an evidence-based learning program from Arise, we educated youth to develop solid study and productive work habits; develop and manage communication skills through group exercises; use creativity and logic to solve problems; expand their world view outside themselves and their local communities; and allow them to recognize the importance of ethics in school and the workplace.
We have over 250 Life Social courses to choose from, for all age groups.
Here are a couple popular focus areas:
- Jobsmart: How to conduct yourself in the workplace, how to interact and behave on the job, resume development, networking, and much more. (age: High School)
- Life Skills: Variety of modules encouraging development of life skills. These programs can also be implemented in an after school or Club program. (age: K-12)
- Puppet Shows: Teach important life skills via puppet show animal characters. Focus on themes like anti-bullying by modeling empathy and appropriate reactions to conflict. (age: Pre-K thru 3rd grade)